Following his military
reforms, Russia needed a huge budget in order to maintain it. It also needed
more money to satisfy the numerous projects that Peter wanted to complete.
Financial Reforms
Financial reforms had to
be made to sustain reforms. War cost a lot of money. The military took 90% of
the annual budget of Russia. In addition, Russia also had to pay foreign
experts that provided services in educational institutions, in the military,
and in the economy. Another expensive and costly project of Peter was his newly
established capital, St. Petersburg. The cost amounted equal to that of the
military due to the fact that a new metropolis had to be erected from scratch
and marshes in the mouth of the Neva River.
Peter’s financial reform
aimed in expanding Russia’s tax base. He imposed new taxes on paper through
stamp taxes. Various items like watermelons began to be taxed. The Tsar
legalized tobacco, despite the opposition of the Russian Orthodox Church who
dubbed the weeds as the “ungodly herb.” After its legalization, Peter then taxed
The Tsar also utilized
the Old Believers from the Great Schism or Raskol in 1650’s as additional source of revenue. He showed tolerance
towards their practices in exchange for paying higher tax.
The Beard Tax also
earned a reputation as the most famous and notorious tax that Peter ever
imposed. Under the beard tax, any noble and townsmen who refused to shave their
beards had to pay the tax.
Following the Beard Tax,
Peter made household taxes more efficient when he reformed it and turned it
into the so-called “Soul Tax.” Previously, the government charge a fixed amount
of tax in a whole household, regardless of the number of members in one house.
Under the condition, families cheated the system by making 2 or 3 or more
families to stay in one house in order to pay a single tax. But under the Soul Tax,
households were no longer the basis of the tax. Each man from every household
must pay the Soul Tax to the government. As a result, families could no longer
avoid taxation and tax revenues increased significantly.
The state continued to
supplement its tax revenues with other sources of income. It had monopolies.
The government kept monopolies on various luxury and essential goods, like
salt, liquor, furs, and caviar. Peter’s financial reforms allowed Russia to
continue the Great Northern War. It also allowed Russia to modernize. However,
the taxation reforms created new burdens to the already impoverish peasantry
and serfs.
Economic Development
Economic development was
also directed to support Russia’s endeavor in the Great Northern War. Peter
used the war to foster economic growth and development. For instance, Russia
developed its local arms manufacturing industry when Peter promoted local
production of weapon. In 1715, the Tula ironworks produced about 26,000 muskets
and various weapons for the military as well as for export. Foundries melted
church bells (to the horror of the most conservatives) to produce new cannons.
In all, under Peter’s rule, the Russian weapons manufacturing industry grew by
an astronomical 1000%.
The war also led to the
development of other military related industries like iron for weapons
manufacturers, textile for uniforms, leather for belts and harnesses, lumber
for ships and carriages, and shipbuilding for the navy. Iron in particular
became one of Russia main products. From 1701 to 1704, seven additional iron
works was established in the Ural Mountains. Initially, Russia only produced
one-fifth of the capacity of that of England. But as demand for iron rose due
to the war, by the time that the war ended, Russia had become the leading
manufacturer of pig iron.
Other than that, new
industries also sprang up in Russia. Because of Peter’s efforts to westernize
Russians, products that had been in vogue in Europe became in demand in Russia
too. And so, industries like glass, silk, and paper grew. These industries
along others further developed thanks to government support.
Peter, like other
European monarchs, followed an economic policy of mercantilism. Under
mercantilism, Peter supported local manufacturers and defended them from
foreign competition by imposing tariffs in 1824. In addition, because of lack
of private initiative to establish businesses, the government took the
initiative. But when industries began to prosper, Peter looked forward to
transferring ownership to private individuals.
Besides establishing
businesses and new industries, Peter also wanted to stimulate trade by
developing Russia’s infrastructure. He ordered the construction of roads,
bridges, and canals, to make most of the country accessible to merchants.
Because of Peter’s policy, Russian economy experienced an industrial
Administrative Reforms
Administrative reform
also became one of Peter’s focus. Peter needed to set up new government
institutions to govern the country especially at times when he went on campaign
or inspection tours. He wanted the Russian administrative structure to be at
par with its European neighbors. He wanted to reduce inefficiency and power
struggles by maintaining check and balances but still maintaining the
autocratic power of the Tsar.
Before Peter’s rule,
Russia had a bloated bureaucracy, numbering to about 40 prikaz or bureaus/departments.
This caused inefficiency and waste of money. Besides the Prikaz, the Boyar Duma
also held the position of advisory council to the Tsars. But when Peter assumed
the reins of state affairs, he relied on trusted friends and companions such as Alexander Menshikov and
Franz Lefort to handle the government. In 1690’s, the main advisory council,
the Boyar Duma began to lose it significance. By the 1700’s the Boyar Duma
ceased to function.
The Russian Senate
The Senate succeeded the
Boyar Duma in 1711. Prince Yakov Dolguruky headed the 9-men Senate that served
as Russia’s new legislature and judiciary. It also had the duty to watch over
tax collection as well as provincial administration. In times when Peter went
into trips or military campaign, he tasked the Senate to rule on his behalf.
Peter also established
new offices that reported to the Senate. The Oberfiscal had been given the duty to investigate tax evasions as well
seditious activities. Peter had assigned the Oberfiscal to report to the Senate but also gave it the authority
to investigate Senate members as well. For the following decade, the Senate and
the Oberfiscal had conflicts.
In 1722, the Procurator-General replaced the Oberfiscal. The Procurator-General had
been placed in charge to supervise the Senate and represent Peter himself in
the Senate’s sessions. Hence, the position of Procurator-General became one of
the most powerful, prestigious, and influential positions in Russian
Bureaucratic Reforms
To address the issue of
a huge bureaucracy, Peter reformed the Prikazy
or Prikaz from 1717 to 1718. He
replaced the Prikaz with 9 colleges.
This included the Colleges of foreign affairs, army or war, navy or admiralty,
justice, commerce, state revenue, state expenses, state accounting, and mines
and manufacture. In 1721, Peter placed the nine colleges under the auspices of
the Procurator-General. The only Prikaz
that remained had been the infamous Preobrazhensky
Prikaz, established by Peter in 1697. It served as the Tsar’s secret police
handling threats of sedition and opposition to the rule of the Tsar.
Local Administrative Reforms
Peter also made efforts
to reform local administration. In 1715, Peter surprisingly sent the German
lawyer Heinrich Fick to his foe, Sweden, to spy and to study the Swedish local
administrative system. After four years, Fick’s research became the foundation
of Peter’s decision to reorganize localities into eight and later 11
gubernilias or regions in 1719. Each gubernilias was divided into provinces and
then into districts then into towns, villages, and major cities. This allowed
government administration to be streamlined and recognized. Peter the Great’s
administrative reform allowed his government to rule the country even during
his absences.
But one thing remained
that even could not solve – corruption. Peter loathed corruption but even his
most trusted and loyal advisor, Alexander
Menshikov, became notoriously guilty of it. Even the
energetic and powerful Tsar, failed to wipe it out from the face of his
Peter’s reforms did not
limit itself to administration, government, and military and turning them into
the pillar of a Russia in a state of war. He made also numerous peaceful
reforms. He dealt with education, culture, religion, and society.
Explore also:
“Great Northern War.” In Wars
of the Age of Louis XIV: 1650 – 1750. Edited by Cathal Nolan. Westport,
Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 2008.
Boterbloem, Kess. A
History of Russia and Its Empire: From Mikhail Romanov to Vladimir Putin.
Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 2014.
Bucher, Greta. Daily
Life in Imperial Russia. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 2008.
Buskovitch, Paul. A
Concise History of Russia. New York, New York: Cambridge University Press,
Gilbert, Adrian. Encyclopedia
of Warfare: From Earliest Time to the Present Day. London: Fitzroy
Dearborn, 2000.
Kort, Michael. A
Brief History of Russia. New York, New York: Facts On File, 2008.
Moss, Walter. A
History of Russia Volume I: To 1917. London: Anthem Press, 2005.
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