Sunday, May 29, 2016

Documents in History: Letter of President Franklin Pierce to the Emperor of Japan

President Franklin Pierce
United States Consul to Japan, Townsend Harris, met with the Shogun or Tycoon of Japan in December 1857 and handed over a letter from President Franklin Pierce to Emperor. Explore the contents of the letter bellow.

Documents in History: Treaty of Shimoda

Admiral Putyatin in Nagasaki
In 1855, Putiatin returned to Japan to conclude a treaty delayed for over a year. The Treaty of Shimoda established formal relations between the two countries. Explore the contents of the agreement.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Documents in History: 1854 Anglo-Japanese Treaty

Sir James Stirling
Great Britain and Japan signed a treaty of friendship in Nagasaki just months after Perry left the Islands. It established the relation between the two countries and secured the opening of Japan for resupply. Explore the contents of the convention.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Documents in History: 1854 Additional Regulations on the Treaty of Kanagawa

Commodore Perry and Japanese Commissioners Farewell Meeting

In June 17, 1854, after few months visiting ports opened to Americans, Commodore Matthew C. Perry, commander of the US Squadron assigned to a mission in Japan, signed an agreement adding new regulations accompanying the Treaty of Kanagawa few months before. Explore the additional regulations agreed by Perry and his Japanese counter-parts.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Documents in History: Treaty of Kanagawa

Commodore Perry Meeting the Japanese Commissioners
On March 31, 1854, in the village of Yokohama under the domain of Kanagawa, Commodore Perry and the Japanese commissioners led by Lord Hayashi signed a treaty of peace and amity. Explore the contents of the treaty.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Documents in History: Reply to the 1852 Letter of President Fillmore

Commodore Perry Meeting the Japanese Commissioners
In 1854, Perry returned to Edo Bay to take the reply of the Japanese government from the letter that he delivered last year. A translation of the letter was made. Explore the contents of the reply of the Japan to the presidential letter.

Documents in History: July 1853 Memorial of Tokugawa Nariaki

Tokugawa Nariaki
On July 15, 1853, right after Commodore Perry left the Edo Bay, Tokugawa Nariaki, a known nationalist, Daimyo of Mito, sent a memorial to Edo giving 10 reasons for waging war against the Americans or other foreigners. Explore the document bellow.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Documents in History: 1852 Letter of President Fillmore to the Emperor of Japan

In 1852, President Millard Fillmore approved an expedition led by Commodore Matthew C. Perry to Japan. Among the objectives that Washington gave Perry was to deliver a letter by the President to the Emperor of Japan. The letter contained the requests of the United States of America to the Empire. Explore more about the contents of the letter bellow.

Documents in History: 1851 Letter of President Fillmore to the Emperor of Japan

President Millard Fillmore
In 1851, Secretary of State and President Fillmore approved an expedition to be led by Commodore John Aulick. He was furnished with a letter to be given to the Japanese government. However, Aulick, due to controversy, never led the expedition to Japan. Explore bellow the 1851 letter of President Millard Fillmore to the Emperor of Japan.