Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Who was Ludvig Nobel?

Ludvig NobelLudvig Nobel - brother of Alfred Nobel and known as Russia's Rockefeller. Explore his life journey in becoming Baku's major oil baron.

How did the Baku Oil Industry Grew Under Tsarist Russia?

Branobel Facility in Baku
Baku oil fed the Azerbaijan economy today as it did before when it fed the Russian imperial economy. Explore how the oil industry in one of the oil rich cities in the world began and grow under the Russian Empire.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Nicholas I and Russia's First Railroads

Nicholas IRussia is a huge country sometimes resistant of change, even new technologies, like railroad, had numerous skeptics until the Tsar himself approved its construction. Explore how Tsar Nicholas I oversaw the construction of Russia’s first railroads.

Who were Russia's Benevolent Despots? (Part 3): Alexander II

Left to Right: Catherine the Great, Alexander I, and Alexander IIWith a confusion following the death of Tsar Alexander I, threats to the absolute power of the Romanovs emerged. It failed resulting to three decades of reactionary policies – only to conclude with the rise of the Tsar Liberator. Explore how Alexander II became a Benevolent Despot and became known as the Tsar Liberator.

Who were Russia's Benevolent Despots? (Part 2): Alexander I

Left to Right: Catherine II, Alexander I and Alexander IIWith the death of Catherine, his grandson followed in her footstep in ruling as a Benevolent Despot. Explore how Alexander I ruled Russia as a absolute yet enlightened autocrat.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Who were Russia's Benevolent Despots? (Part 1): Catherine the Great

Left to Right: Catherine the Great, Alexander I and Alexander II
In 1762, Russia had a new ruler, a German Princess who rose up to the position of Tsar and autocrat. Her rule espoused a new type of leadership – Benevolent absolutism – which became the model of future Romanovs. Explore the reign of Russia’s benevolent despots with Catherine the Great as the first to embrace it.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

What was the Decembrist Revolt? (Part 2)

Decembrist Revolt by Karl Kolman
With the death of Tsar Alexander I and all of Europe rattled by liberal-inspired movements, the Northern Society prepared to make their own. But how would their plan, so quickly conceived, work out?

What was the Decembrist Revolt? (Part 1)

Decembrist Revolt by Vasily Timm
Autocracy ruled in Russia under the command of the Romanov Tsars for centuries. But in the 19th century was a century of change and Russia was no immune. Explore how a pursuit of change led to revolt of men called the Decembrist.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Great Leaders: Who was Peter the Great? (Part 7): Opposition and Last Years

Peter I Interrogating his Son Alexei
With his huge wave of reforms and his new gained prestige, Peter the Great also had detractors who opposed his ways and views. Explore how the Russians opposed their Tsars and how did Peter the Great lived his last years of rule.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Great Leaders: Who was Peter the Great? (Part 6): Reforms

Peter the Great Meditating the Idea of Building St. Petersburg at the Shore of the Baltic Sea
Peter shaped his reforms to match his ambitions, but he also made contribution that were less violent. Explore how Peter contributed to Russia’s education, culture, religion and society.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Great Leaders: Who was Peter the Great? (Part 5): Reforms

An Engraving of Peter the GreatFollowing his reforms in the military, Peter needed to change also the state which his new army must defend. Explore how Peter the Great reform Russia beyond its military.

Great Leaders: Who was Peter the Great? (Part 4): Reforms

Peter the GreatAs the Great Northern War dragged, Peter also fought hard back home, enacting reforms after reforms. Explore how Peter the Great transformed his Tsardom.

Great Leaders: Who was Peter the Great? (Part 3): The Great Northern War

Peter the GreatWith the Battle of Poltava, Russia stroke a crippling blow to Sweden and its King. But the war was not over, it dragged on for another decade, and even threatened to erase what Peter had built. Explore how Peter led his country for the following decade of the Great Northern War.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Time of Troubles: The Time Before the Romanovs (Part 3)

Mikhail Feodorovich is summoned to the Russian throne by Grigory UgryumovWith the Russia leaderless and the country faced mortal danger from its foreign adversaries, explore how Russia passed the last years of the Time of Troubles.

Who were the Romanovs? (Part 3)

The RomanovsAfter the reign of Catherine the Great, the ideas of Enlightenment unleashed a new wave of call for reform. Explore the reign of the last Tsars of the Romanov Dynasty.

Monday, January 11, 2016

How Catherine the Great Annexed Crimea?

Allegory of Catherine's Victory over the Turks
In 2014, Vladimir Putin took Crimea as part of the Russian Federation. But about two centuries ago, Russia, under Catherine the Great, did the same. Explore how Catherine the Great annexed the Crimean Peninsula more two centuries before Putin did.

Great Leaders: Who was Peter the Great? (Part 2): The Great Northern War

Battle of Poltava
For his dream navy, Peter the Great declared war on Sweden that dragged the whole region into ablaze for the two decades. Explore how Peter the Great led Russia through the Great Northern War.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Time of Troubles: The Time Before the Romanovs (Part 2)

Bolotnikov's Battle with the Tsar's Army at Nizhniye Kotly
Time of Troubles was a turbulent period in Russian history. Explore this period where intrigue, rivalry, pretenders, rebellions and invasions plagued the lands of Russia.

Who were the Romanovs? (Part 2)

The Romanovs (Catherine II, Peter III, Elizabeth, Anna, Peter II, and Catherine I)Explore one of the most powerful families that rule the largest country in the world. Following the death of its enigmatic leader and his failure to name and heir, what happened to Romanov Dynasty?

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Who was Alexander Menshikov?

Alexander Menshikov
The man who virtually ruled Russia for about two years and amassed power and fortune that stood second only to the Tsar. Explore the life of Alexander Menshikov.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Time of Troubles: The Time Before the Romanovs (Part 1)

In the Times of Trouble by Sergei Ivanov
Time of Troubles was a turbulent period in Russian history. Explore this period where intrigue, rivalry, pretenders, rebellions and invasions plagued the lands of Russia.

Who were the Romanovs? (Part 1)

RomanovsExplore one of the most famous families that ruled in history and directed the faith of the largest empire that the world had seen.