Friday, November 30, 2018

Economy of the Achaemenid Empire

The Achaemenid Persian Empire established the largest land Empire the ancient world had ever seen until the rise of Alexander the Great. More than the largest land empire, it could also boast itself as the largest economy in the ancient world with various luxury goods and commodities traded in the market and employment given in many works provided by the imperial government.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Who was Ashoka?

Sarnath Capital as India's National EmblemOne of his capital now serves as India’s national emblem. Ashoka ruled as the 3rd Mauryan Empiror (r. 268 – 232 BCE), the most recorded in the dynasty’s history. He became a legend for his transformation and benevolence becoming one of India’s most revered rulers.

Friday, August 31, 2018

Who was Kautilya?

KautilyaMachiavelli should be known as the Italian Kautilya who wrote the Prince that should be dubbed the Italian Arthashastra or the Science of Material Gain, but who was Kautilya otherwise known as Chanakya?

Founders: Who was Chandragupta Maurya?

As Alexander the Great’s Generals carved out their own kingdoms from the vast Macedonian Empire, it sent ripple effects that led to a creation of another empire in India. The mysterious Chandragupta Maurya (r. 321 - 297 BCE) emerged from obscurity, established his own dynasty that ruled over much of modern India for more than a century.
Chandragupta Maurya entertains his bride from Babylon

Founders: Who was Babur of the Mughal Dynasty?

He founded the Mughal Empire and reigned as its emperor from 1526 to 1530. The root from which the richest empire in the world emerged and blossomed. From his dynasty erected the most beautiful monuments that the world has ever seen.


Sunday, August 5, 2018

Women in Power: Who was Queen Isabella of Castile? - Part 3

After leading her country to the age of exploration and under the spell of the Inquisition, Isabella also exerted effort in other matters of state.